07 Mar Joshua The Brave
Ever since he could hum a tune, Joshua has had a burning passion to sing, praise and worship. I always knew he would lead a people one day soon. I just didn’t expect it to be… yesterday.
We started our pre-service prayer and I asked if he wanted to help Pastor Joel on stage. Without blinking an eye, he gave an affirmative yes. I nodded in the direction of the stairs and without hesitation, he proceeded to march confidently up the stage. He was a boy on a mission. Nothing could have stopped him.
Then before a crowd of the most amazing leaders and volunteers, he started hosting the presence of God. Yet to him, there seemed like there was little special about it. After all, He’s done this countless times at home when it was just him and the Holy Spirit. Maybe.
I wonder what the Holy Spirit told him. Because Pastor Joel wasn’t singing. But Josh was. He went… “Open up our eyes surround us with your light your love endures forever.” And at that moment, Angela prayed for the God of angel armies to surround us. That we might open up our eyes to see the light and love that surrounds us by His Spirit and angels.
One of the sayings that we have in our church family is that we don’t just believe in the potential of our children, we believe that they can make an impact today. As Josh played on his modern day harp, there was an elevation in the atmosphere, a shift in the spiritual temperature. The Psalmist wrote “Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.” It was amazing. And I’m not just saying this because he’s my son. Ok that is why I’m saying this. But still, it was so awesome and you should have been there.
As I look back at what unfolded, my heart is full knowing that we are known and loved by God who sees our hopes and dreams. I am thankful for a church family who does not belittle the gifts and the passion of the little children. I am grateful for a people who is humble to let a 3 year old lead them into the presence of God.
Most of all, I’m excited for our next praise practice that happens in his little room with Woody and Buzz Lightyear.
Pastor Norman Ng
Assistant Pastor, 3:16 Church
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